Step by Step
Spaccature (Plaster Crackle)
Spaccature (spack-ah-tour-ay), Italian for “cracks in plaster”. This high-end designer finish is ideal for flat walls and suitable for furniture and wide moldings. Create numerous color combinations including metallic grounds with tinted spatula coats. Overglaze for added depth and protection.
Materials List:
• ProFaux Pro-Metallic-Copper Paint
• ProFaux Crackle Medium
• Blue Steel Spatulas
• Pro-Sandstone Base Paste – Data Sheet
• ProFaux Open-Time Glazing Liquid – Data Sheet
• Latex Paint or Universal Colorants
• Smooth Roller
Application Method:
Prime the wall surface with acrylic or oil based flat primer sealer. No additional prep or sealing coats are required.
1. Basecoat in desired crack color. Satin finish latex or acrylic paint is ideal. (Example here uses ProFaux Pro-Metallic Paint)
2. Tint ProFaux Pro-Sandstone Base Paste to the desired surface color with 25% latex paint. Mix well. Cap tightly and set aside for Step 4.
3. Apply 2 coats ProFaux Crackle Medium. Allow coat to dry before second application.
4. After the Crackle Medium dries, use two clean blue steel spatulas to trowel on the tinted Pro-Sandstone Paste in uniform thicknes from one-sixteenth to an eighth-inch thick. Use one to hold the material, and the other to apply it. Apply in a crisscross/cross manner, keeping the surface to a uniform thickness. Do not overwork the application.
5. Let surface crack dry for several hours or overnight, or until surface cracks become obvious. See Animation
6. Tint ProFaux Open-Time Glazing Medium with your choice of sheen latex paint or universal colorants.
7. Apply glaze with roller and remove excess with brush or cotton rag. Use dry brush to remove excess glaze over larger cracks.
Variations on a theme.
Create numerous color combinations including metallic grounds with any tinted Pro-Sandstone Base spatula coats. Overglaze with tinted glazes for added depth and protection.
Application: Thickness does affect the Pro-Sandstone product. Thicker applications will take longer to dry and reveal larger cracking. May be applied with tools such as brush, roller, spatula and trowel. Coverage: Varies widely depending upon application method: 75-175 sq.ft. per gallon.
Drying Time: Allow 2 hours to overnight, depending on film thickness (68 degrees @ 55% RH).
Clean Up & Disposal: Use hot water for application equipment. Do not dispose of any product in sewers, waterways or municipal garbage. Allow waste product to harden before disposal. If liquid disposal is necessary, contact your local municipality or paint store for instructions.
Here are the steps!
Step 1: Prepare surface as for normal painting. Tint Pro-Sandstone Base Paste to the desired color with 25% latex paint. (One quart latex paint per gallon Pro-Sandstone) Mix well.
Step 2: After preparing the basecoat, as Pro-Metallic Copper Paint above, apply 2 coats ProFaux Crackle Medium with a smooth roller. Allow coats to dry before second application.
Step 3: After Crackle Medium dries, use two clean Blue Steel Spatulas to trowel on in uniform thickness from 1/16th to 1/8′ inch thick. (Use one to hold the material, the other to apply it). Apply in a crisscross cross manner, keeping the surface to a uniform thickness. Do not over work the application.
Step 4: Lets surface dry overnight, or until surface cracks become obvious.
Step 5: Tint ProFaux Open-Time Glazing Medium with choice of sheen latex or universal colorants. Apply glaze with roller and remove excess with cotton rag. Use dry brush to remove excess glaze over larger cracks.