Autumn Leaves Step by Step Technique

Step by Step
Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves says it all. This intriguing textural finish reminds one of a beautiful Ohio day in late October. It utilizes many of the ProFaux products, tools and techniques used in creating other textures too. The final coloration can vary widely as you begin to experiment with different Pro-Venetian Bases, ProFaux Metallic Waxes and ProFaux Stonewash Colors.

Materials List:

Pro-Venetian – Red Base
Blue Steel Spatulas
• Natural Leaves – On the job you will need approximately 15 leaves/sq.yd.
• BrushStuff™
• Pro Faux Metallic Waxes – Copper, Russet, Medium Gold
• Stonewash Pigments – Black, Brown Oxide
Acrylic Clear Satin Wax
Cellulose sponges

Application Method:

Prime the wall surface with with a red-orange Low Luster (Flat, Matte, Velvet, Eggshell or Satin) Acrylic Enamel.
1. Skim coat the wall with a thin layer of ProFaux Red Base using a drywall knife and mud pan. Let dry.
2. Lubricate the leaves. Dilute 2 ounces of BrushStuff with a quart of warm water and stir well. Submerge a handful of leaves into the solution. Remove leaves from the solution and set aside on a stack of paper towels to drain.
3. Leaf Impressions: Use 6″ Blue Steel Spatula to Crosshatch the Red Base to a small wall section. Allow this to “set-up” for 2-5 minutes. Press a leaf into the wet surface using the 4″ Spatula to flatten out the leaf. Lift the leaf out by the stem. Flip over and reposition it to make a similar impression nearby. Rotate the position of the leaves so that the overall pattern does not look too repetitious. Allow final texture to dry several hours to overnight. Tips: For more depth, immediately after flattening the leaf with the 4″ Spatula, apply a small amount of Red Base over the edges of the leaf before lifting it out of the wet Red Base. The leaf impression will appear to be deeper and well defined. Work on one square foot at a time, gradually increasing the working area with practice.
4. Adding Color: Applying ProFaux Metallic and ProFaux Iridescent Waxes: Use a dampened cellulose sponge to apply Pro Faux Metallic Waxes. Apply two or three very thin coats of ProFaux Copper Metallic Wax; apply in small swirl pattern like waxing a car. Rinse sponge occasionally in plain water to freshen and between different wax colors. Accent over the Copper Metallic Wax randomly with ProFaux Russet Iridescent Wax. Finally, highlight overall pattern with hints of ProFaux Bright Gold Metallic Wax to some high. Let dry 20-60 minutes.
5. Toning with ProFaux Stonewash Powders: Use 2 tablespoons of ProFaux Stonewash Pigment – Black and 3 tablespoons of ProFaux Stonewash Pigment- Brown Oxide with 2 cups of water. Stir well. Use cellulose sponge to apply this watery mixture to Red Base texture in short random pattern, rather than in swirls. Allow to dry. With a fresh sponge, lightly remove excess color to accentuate leaf pattern. Stand back and evaluate overall effect. You can selectively add or subtract color by dabbing or rubbing carefully as ProFaux Powder Pigments contain no binders. .
6. Protective Topcoat: When satisfied with overall effect, you must protect the Stonewash colors with either ProFaux Acrylic Clear Satin Wax or a waterbased varnish.

To apply our Clear Satin Wax over Stonewash colors, extreme delicacy is in order. Take a small amount of the Satin Wax on a clean damp sponge. On a small plastic plate, work the Satin Wax into the sponge. With only the weight of the sponge, very gently swirl the Satin Wax onto the highest parts of the wall texture. Again, use very little pressure as too much will immediately take away the dry Stonewash color. The Satin Wax dries almost on contact when applied thinly. This will allow you to apply a second or third coat within minutes. Each application can be applied with slightly more pressure than the last. The varying sheen and wonderful feel of ProFaux’s Satin Wax will make it worth the effort to apply several thin layers to your project .

Alternatively, spray or roll a satin waterbased varnish to “lock-up” the Stonewash color. Either method of protection will liven up your Autumn Leaves Finish by bringing out the luster of the ProFaux Metallic Wax colors.

Variations on a theme. Create subtle color variations by experimenting with various colorants and concentrations.

Application: Thickness does not affect Pro Venetian products. May be applied with tools such as brush, roller, spatula and trowel. Coverage: Varies widely depending upon application method: 150 -200 sq.ft. per gallon.
Drying Time: Allow 2 hours to overnight, depending on film thickness (68 degrees @ 65% RH).

Clean Up & Disposal: Use hot water for application equipment. Do not dispose of any product in sewers, waterways or municipal garbage. Allow waste product to harden before disposal. If liquid disposal is necessary, contact your local municipality or paint store for instructions.

Here are the steps!

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 1
Step 1: Prime wall surface with low luster red-orange acrylic enamel. Let dry. Skim coat a thin layer of ProFaux Red Base and let dry.

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 2
Step 2: Lubricate the leaves with a mixture of one-quart warm water and two ounces of Brush Stuff with a little warm water and wipe leaves with a dampened sponge. Set aside.

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 3
Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 3
Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 3
Step 3: Crosshatch a semi-thin bed of Red Base to a small area. Allow Red Base to set up for 2-5 minutes. Lay a leaf into the wet surface, using the spatula to flatten out the leaf. Lift the leaf out by the stem and marvel at the beautiful impression. Reuse the other side of the leaf for another impression. Rotate and overlap the position of each leaf so that the pattern does not look too repetitious. Note: If Red Base is too wet, the leaves will suction to the Red Base, creating peaks rather than a crisp veining patterns.

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 4
Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 4
Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 4
Step 4: Use dampened sponge to apply Pro Faux Metallic Waxes and Iridescent Waxes. Apply two thin coats of Copper in small circles. Rinse sponge and highlight randomly with Russet and finally with Gold. Let dry 20-60 minutes.

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 5
Step 5: Mix a small amount of Stonewash Pigment – Black with water. Sponge on in circles to accentuate the leaf pattern. If it looks a little dark that’s OK because the final Acrylic Clear Satin Wax will tend to lighten the overall value of the finish.

Autumn Leaves Technique Prep 6
Step 6: When the Stonewash Pigment is dry, use a clean dampened sponge to apply the protective Acrylic Clear Satin Wax in small circles.

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