Step by Step
Lush green cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean inspired this atmospheric finish. Raised patterns on a smooth, Pro Faux white spatula base are the signature marks of this wonderful, broken color effect.
Materials List:
• Pro-Venetian White Base – Data Sheet
(Can be tinted to desired base color)
• Blue Steel Spatulas
• Stencil
• ProFaux Stonewash Pigments –
Green, Yellow Oxide and Blue
• ProFaux Zero Gloss Varnish
• Smooth Roller and Tray
• Cellulose Sponge
• Sanding Sponge
Application Method:
Prime the wall surface with acrylic or oil based flat primer sealer. No additional prep or sealing coats are required.
1. Crosshatch two layers of ProFaux Pro-Venetian White Base onto surface, using Blue Steel Spatulas to apply. First layer is patchy, the second layer fill sin the missed areas. Allow surface to dry.
2. Position the Stencil in desired position with a small piece of tape and carefully spatula Pro-Venetian White Base through the stencil. Remove stencil carefully.
3. Clean and rinse stencil and continue desired design pattern. Let Stencil work completely dry before applying colorwash with Stonewash Pigments.
4. For covering larger areas, mix 1-2 Tablespoons of Green Stonewash Pigment with 1 quart of water. Lightly apply, in random pattern, with dampened cellulose sponge. Continue same method with Blue and Yellow Oxide Stonewash Pigments.
5. Use a cellulose sponge to apply the pigments at random. Color “wash” the surface and allow the colors to blend together in a natural, organic way.
6. Allow the color to set up for a few minutes and continue to use a cellulose sponge to further blend the colors to an subtle finish. Use a sanding sponge or Blue Steel Spatulas to subtract color if you wish.
7. Fix dry colors with Profaux Zero Gloss Varnish for a natural look and surface protection.
Variations on a theme.
Create numerous color combinations with any of our ProFaux Stonewash Pigments.
Application: Thickness does affect the Pro-Venetian Base products. Thicker applications will take longer to dry and may reveal cracking. May be applied with tools such as a spatula and trowel. Coverage: Varies widely depending upon application method: 75-175 sq.ft. per gallon.
Drying Time: Allow 2 hours to overnight, depending on film thickness (68 degrees @ 65% RH).
Clean Up & Disposal: Use hot water for application equipment. Do not dispose of any product in sewers, waterways or municipal garbage. Allow waste product to harden before disposal. If liquid disposal is necessary, contact your local municipality or paint store for instructions.
Here are the steps!
Step 1: After preparing the surface, Position the Stencil in desired position with a small piece of tape.
Step 2: Use Blue Steel Spatulas to apply Pro-Venetian Base through the Stencil. Keep a wet edge on your blade.
Step 3: Mix the following ProFaux Stonewash Pigments with water. Green, Yellow Oxide and Blue Pigments.
Step 4: Use a cellulose sponge to apply the pigments randomly as shown above.
Step 5: Continue to Color “wash” the surface and allow the colors to blend together in a natural, organic way.
Step 6: Fix the dry Stonewash colors with ProFaux Zero Gloss Varnish. Apply with a roller.